Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Grape Juice and Soap Flakes

Yesterday night we had a major thunderstorm and our power went out. It was hot too. Our refrigerator couldn't keep things cold enough and this morning we found melting freezer items and other refrigerated food that had to go.

As I was opening a semi-frozen can of concentrated grape juice to dump down the drain, the top flew off. Concentrated grape juice went everywhere. Including on the new shorts I just bought 2 days ago!

This concentrated grape juice is what, 3 times stronger than regular grape juice?

After five minutes of cleaning up the kitchen, I changed clothes and put the shorts into a bucket of cool water. (No power to run the washing machine.)

The situation didn't look good. I used some Fels Naptha® soap first, rubbing it on the stains from both sides of the fabric. The juice spots turned black! I kind of gave up.

I put a couple of tablespoons of Soap Flakes into the bucket and swished the water around to dissolve the flakes. Then I put the shorts back into the bucket figuring they were probably headed for the trash.

I had other chores to do and about five hours later I checked the bucket.

What do you know, the shorts were totally clean. I mean totally. No spots whatsoever. No indication of there ever being a stain on them.

Now I know Fels Naptha is a miracle soap and that may have done the trick more than the Soap Flakes. All I know for sure is that the Fels and the Soap Flakes worked wonders.

No washing machine was needed. Cool.

Fels Naptha and Soap Flakes have been around for over 100 years. Not many products survive that long but these two have. And I know why. They work. (MSO)
Click here to buy Soap Flakes

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